Hello Everyone!!!!
How are you all doing??
I hope you are all doing well
and staying beautiful everyday.
I just wanna share to you the entry I have for
Nail Nation Competition "Inspired by Maria Chheo Shen's Nail Arts".
I am very happy on joining this because it's not only
my First time to join a nail art competition but
it was also a great challenge for me to do a design that's
a themed copy from others.
But anyhow, I still enjoyed it and was very happy with the result I got! ^_^
The voting of the photo is until January 25, 2012.
So, please do CLICK "LIKE" button for your vote for my entry.
here's the link where you can see my entry and vote:
Here's my Entry for

To VOTE, click the link and it should take you to a Facebook page
and CLICK the "LIKE" button at the bottom of the photo.
All you votes are very much appreciated!
and I would like to thank you in advance for the love, support, and votes
you have given me for this competition.
This designs came from 11 Original Designs by Maria in Nail Nation photos.
I have chosen 11 designs out of more than 500 designs she made.
I can't make up my mind by choosing just 1 best design as for me, all designs are great!
So, I chose 11 Designs and do a twist and remix for me to fit it on 5 nails.
Here are the Original Designs made by Maria Chheo Shen
which inspired me soooo much to join this competition.
(photo from my entry you can see above from left to right)

These are the Original Designs of Maria.
There are also other entries you can see on the Nail Nation Photos.
You can also VOTE for them ^_^
I hope you all enjoyed looking at the photos.
They are just super great, aren't they?!
Those are my top 11 BEST Designs!
Those are my top 11 BEST Designs!
Thank you so much for visiting my website.
I hope to get more votes..hehehe
I got 386 votes now and still counting!!
Voting is until January 25, 2012.
So, better not miss this out!!
To everyone that had voted me for my entry in Nail Nation's Competition,
Thank you sooooo much from the bottom of my heart!
I am very very happy to know how many people supported me and love me always.
For my dear friends that even shared my links and extended my entry for their friends to vote,
Super DUPER thank you for continuously supporting me in everything I do!
I love you all so much!!!
mwuah! mwuah! mwuah!
from: Bianca Santos
"Beautiful Nails For Beautiful Women"
--Bianca Santos
Bianca's Nail Art Servces
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xoxo (^_^) xoxo
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